Blue Roses

Send Blue Rose to Cebu 

Bring a touch of elegance and sophistication to your special occasions with our stunning collection of Blue Roses. Our vibrant and captivating bouquets are handpicked and arranged by our experienced florists, creating a truly one-of-a-kind display of beauty. The rare blue hue of our roses is the result of careful cultivation, making each stem a symbol of rare and precious beauty. Whether you're celebrating a birthday or an anniversary, or just want to surprise someone special, our Blue Roses are the perfect way to show your love and appreciation. Their timeless beauty and sweet fragrance will make a lasting impression on anyone who receives them. And with our fast and reliable delivery service, you can have your bouquet delivered right to your door, no matter where you are in Cebu City.

24pcs of Blue Roses in Bouquet : When the friendship and bond that you share are in all honesty, express integrity with this bunch of 24pcs blue...
In stock

12pcs of Blue Roses in Bouquet : When the friendship and bond that you share are in all honesty, express integrity with this bunch of 12pcs blue...
In stock

12pcs of Blue Roses in Bouquet : When the friendship and bond that you share are in all honesty, express integrity with this bunch of 12pcs blue...
In stock

24pcs of Blue Roses in Bouquet : When the friendship and bond that you share are in all honesty, express integrity with this bunch of 24pcs blue...
In stock

50pcs of Blue Roses in Bouquet : When the friendship and bond that you share are in all honesty, express integrity with this bunch of 50pcs blue...
In stock

12pcs of Blue with cute bear in Bouquet : When the friendship and bond that you share are in all honesty, express integrity with this bunch of 12pcs...
In stock

12pcs of Blue and White Roses in Bouquet : When the friendship and bond that you share are in all honesty, express integrity with this bunch of 12pcs...
In stock

6pcs Dozen of Blue Roses in a Bouquet: When the friendship and bond that you share are in all honesty, express integrity with this bunch of 6 blue...
In stock

Half Dozen of Blue Roses in a Bouquet: When the friendship and bond that you share are in all honesty, express integrity with this bunch of 6 blue...
In stock

 Dozen of Blue Roses in a Bouquet: When the friendship and bond that you share are in all honesty, express integrity with this bunch of 12 blue...
In stock

2 Dozen of Blue Roses in a Bouquet: When the friendship and bond that you share are in all honesty, express integrity with this bunch of 2 blue...
In stock

$64.95 $42.95
Dozen of Blue Roses in Bouquet: When the friendship and bond that you share are is in all honesty, express the integrity with this bunch of 12 blue...
In stock
Flower Delivery to Cebu